LW Contributor

What Is Worship?

Gathered around the Word Welcome to worship, where things look and sound different from much of what you experience in your everyday life. You will use some difficult-to-pronounce words, and parts of the service will have unique names. Sometimes you’ll need the hymnal; sometimes you’ll need the bulletin. First, don’t worry. You’re new to this,

2023 Convention Essayist Overview

The convention essays will explore how the preaching of Christ crucified remains the power and wisdom of God for the redemption of the world.


“Every civilized man wants peace.” What peace does the world so earnestly desire? The peace that comes from …

Here I Stand

A poem celebrating Martin Luther’s famous stand before the Holy Roman Emperor during the Diet of Worms on April 18, 1521.

Called to Serve

Martin was a career military officer, as his father before him. That’s the way it was in the 4th century in the Roman Imperial Army.

Another Scourge

1793. 1918. 2020. Devastating diseases have been a part of the human experience since the fall of human beings into sin.

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