
Write for The Lutheran Witness

The Lutheran Witness accepts unsolicited manuscripts based on upcoming themes. We are always looking out for compelling, readable, theologically rich writing. These formats include feature stories, teaching essays, narratives, personal stories, interviews, opinion pieces hot topics, listicles, humorous essays, unpublished hymns, Bible studies and more.

You may send a complete manuscript if you have one available, but an email query first is generally preferable and may save you time and trouble if the idea isn’t a good fit for us. Please note we are a small team, and we cannot respond to every query. We will reply if we decide to accept your submission. 

The upcoming themes for 2024 include:

  • Community in Worship: A Beginner’s Guide to the Liturgy (January)
  • Failed Community: Looking back on Seminex (February)
  • A Hopeful Community (March)
  • A Chaste Community: Sexual Disorder in the Culture (April)
  • A Praying Community (May)
  • The First Community: The Book of Acts (June/July)
  • A Learning Community: Lutheran Education in the USA (August)
  • Authority in Community: Authority in the Church and Culture (September)
  • A Confessing Community (October) 
  • A Family Community (December) 

Please send the final draft of your article using the box below. The article should be written using the Associated Press Stylebook, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition) and the LCMS Stylebook. Please quote Scripture from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless the wording of the story requires a different version.

Here is what you can expect:

Submit your article

Submit your article using the LW website.


If the article is accepted, you will receive an email from the editor to that effect and a contract for the article.

Editing phase

The editor will revise the manuscript and discuss these edits with the author. Final decision on editing belongs to LW.

Doctrinal review

Article will be sent through doctrinal review.


You receive compensation for your article. See below for more information.


Article will be publishing in an upcoming issue of The Lutheran Witness.

Expect at least 3 months from submission of your article to
actual publication. In most cases, it will take longer. 
Also note that we do not respond to every submission. 

Payment for commissioned articles is on a sliding scale, based in part on both the article length and complexity and the author’s credentials. Payment will be processed after an author’s contract has been signed and returned and the article in question has successfully passed doctrinal review. Excerpts from forthcoming books are uncompensated, as both the author and publisher can reasonably expect to derive material benefits from the publicity of their work.

Submission Form

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