Letter From the President

For God So Loved the World

by Matthew C. Harrison  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Why in the world would The Lutheran Witness publish an entire issue on heresies? Some might say, “For Pete’s sake! We live in a tolerant

We Preach Christ Crucified

The message of Christ’s crucifixion is complete folly to the world and has been ridiculed from the beginning.

Christ Crucified

The darker the world, the brighter the Gospel. The more depressing the sermon of the world is, the more precious becomes the preaching of our beloved pastors.

God’s Clear, Reliable Word

The teachings of the Christian faith are, in fact, quite clear. They are found in extremely clear, uncontested biblical texts.

“I and the Father Are One”

by Matthew C. Harrison   Jesus made outlandish claims about Himself, none more outrageous than that He is God in the flesh: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). The religious leaders repeatedly charged Jesus with blasphemy because of this. Jesus invited divine worship of Himself (John 9:35–38). Thomas, praising Jesus from his knees, called

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