The Magazine

Summer Reading: Heroes, Heroines, and Villains!

Dr. Dean O. Wenthe Apocrypha: n., ancient books that offer drama, spiritual insight, and a surprisingly “good read.” Intrigue. Betrayal. Passion. Violence. These words bring to mind much of what we read in the newspapers or view as entertainment. They sound like a tragic but true description of modern society. It might come as a

A Prayer for ‘People in the Dump’

I am certain the child must have heard a parent or other significant adult say something about being “down in the dumps,” a phrase we use when things aren’t going well for us.

Living Together Before Marriage

by Richard C. Eyer As I sat in the waiting room thumbing through the only magazines available–women’s magazines–I skimmed an article intending to prepare young women for having sex on a first date. There were no prohibitions for doing so, only precautions about the kind of men with whom a woman should allow herself to

Honoring My Mother

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My elderly mother has been living with us for 2½ years. During that time she has needed more and more care. I’ve learned to help her with “routine” tasks such as dressing, toileting, etc. I love her, but I am getting worn out in the process, and I’m afraid I’m

Buy the Field!

by R. Reed Lessing The year is 588 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian king, is establishing his headquarters at Riblah in modern-day Syria. Having destroyed the Judean fortresses at Lachish and Azekah, his troops are beginning to lay siege to the prize, the jewel, the crown of his military campaign, Jerusalem (cf. 2 Kings

Shedding Some Light

One Time Too Many Inscription on the monument of an Army mule: “In memory of Kate, who in her time kicked a colonel, three majors, eight captains, 12 lieutenants, 21 sergeants, and 230 others, and one bomb.” Tal. D. Bonham Treasury of Clean Church Jokes   Be Prepared Just before a long holiday weekend, a

The Family of God

by Rev. Ben Eder There is much discussion today about the state of the family. We are justifiably concerned about the level of dysfunction in many families, as well as societal and cultural pressures being placed upon the traditional family. In the midst of our stress and anxiety, where do we turn? In times like

A slippery slope

I send this letter in response to the April Lutheran Witness article by Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, “Reservations about the Resurrection?” Undoubtedly, much solid historical information was shared. My problem with the article, however, is that there was no mention of the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, including the Resurrection accounts, by the

A timely reminder

God be praised for the wonderful “What’s New at Our Concordias?” found in the April Lutheran Witness. It is good for LCMS members to know that our colleges and universities continue to find innovative ways to bring solid Lutheran higher education to increasing numbers of people, both extending Gospel witness and staying solvent in the

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2009

In many ways, this is a “family” issue. Our cover story focuses on fathers and sons. A second story highlights a
strong sense of family and vocation in the vineyards of California, while a third uncovers a bit of “family” history as it pertains to our Synod and its early years.

Lutheran Witness: May 2009

As with the past few May issues of The Lutheran Witness, you hold in your hands a magazine dedicated principally to the topic of pastoral formation and education, and to the important work our pastors do
among us.

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