The Magazine

Advent is not a drag

Advent isn’t a drag. It’s a time when believers show the world that there’s oil in our flasks and that our faith isn’t pointless.

A meditation for Christmas

Cradle to cross, Jesus humbled Himself, serving to the point of death and giving His life as a ransom for many. At Christmas and always, we cling to Him.

Lutheran Witness: December 2018

The great mystery and “miracle supreme” of Christ’s incarnation is the thread that runs through the December issue of The Lutheran Witness. 

On suffering

In the midst of suffering and pain, we find our hope where Peter did: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life …” (John 6:68).

Joyfully witnessing

From the angels to the apostles to Lutherans among their neighbors today, the Church in heaven and on earth continues to bear joyful witness to Christ.

So many blessings

“Synod” is not St. Louis. It’s you. It’s your local congregation, it’s your circuit, it’s your district, it’s all of us together. And we are blessed.

Lutheran Witness: November 2018

What is the state of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 2018? Find out in the November issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness.’ 

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