The Magazine

Jesus Has Mercy on Sinners

LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison says its time to reach out to individuals and families who are struggling with same-sex attraction issues so we can share their burdens.

October 2013 Letters

Regarding the president of the LCMS’ letter of March 2013: Wow! What a pleasure to read the most beautiful and thoughtful dissertation on what marriage is and should be versus the contemporary views that you so succinctly summed up . . . Thank you, Pastor Harrison, for this amazing proclamation! Where are the others who

Shedding Some Light

There’s Medicine for That My sister is a kindergarten teacher in Kentucky. She sent me this text: “Best child quote of the day. After running around during recess, my student puts his hand on his belly and says, ‘I feel obnoxious!’” Kathryn GrittsSt. Louis, Mo.   Now Trending on TwitterWhen our four-year-old son, who is

To the Reader

LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison reflects on this summer’s Synod convention in St. Louis and where the Church is going from here.

A Sacred Vocation

President Matthew C. Harrison reminds each of us that we have a sacred vocation to speak of Christ to our loved ones and neighbors!

August 2013 Letters

I am writing this letter to thank all of those involved with the publication of The Lutheran Witness. This magazine is full of relevant articles concerning very important issues and accurately addresses these issues from a biblical and confessional Lutheran approach. It is full of rich theology, which is attractive to a pre-seminary student like

June/July 2013 Letters

Thanks for the excellent quality of articles in Lutheran Witness lately. I really appreciate more solid Lutheran teaching and articles that may be used for study or further research for discussion groups. The tone is also more firm and allows us to take a certain amount of pride in our heritage and Confessions. Growing up

May 2013 Letters to the Editor

I just read the article, Cant We All Just Get Along in the March 2013 issue of The Lutheran Witness. I was more than a little surprised about what we Lutherans are supposed to believe regarding the Lords Supper. The Lords Supper, as beneficial as it is, does not forgive sins. Forgiveness of sins is

Marriage and the Church

LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison explains why marriage is a fundamental building block of all society, religion and culture.

A Simple Way to Pray

Download a free two-part Bible study on Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray” and view an accompanying video by President Harrison.

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