The Magazine

To the Reader

It’s not difficult for us to think well of ourselves and what we’ve accomplished in this life. We’ve gone to the best schools, we tell our friends, the most well-known colleges, the most prestigious universities. Never mind that our friends, who went to different schools and colleges and universities, say the exact same thing. But

Try Before You Buy: The Dangers of MaterniT21 (Web-exclusive Story)

by Dr. Debra L. Grime A new prenatal blood test called MaterniT21 can now evaluate the DNA of a baby before he or she is born and determine if the child has Down Syndrome with 99 percent accuracy. But now that the option is available, will more women opt for such tests? And more importantly,

A Sacred Precious Gift (Web-exclusive story)

by Rev. Christopher Hall He formed our inward parts. He knitted us in our mothers womb (Ps. 139:13). God has created each and every person. But God creates and forms the inward parts of every insect, each and every bird, each and every microbe. What makes human life sacred? What makes Christians defend the born

Learning Is the Bridge

How can we encourage religious literacy in our homes, schools and neighborhoods? Find out how to cultivate your curiosity about God and His work on your behalf. by Rev. Travis J. Scholl I am convinced by Stephen Prothero’s thesisstated most notably in his book Religious Literacy that we live in a society that is religiously illiterate

Lutheran Witness: February 2012

Unpack Lutheran education and the philosophy from which it stems, focusing on the joy of residential seminary education, instructing Christ’s little ones and teaching the faith in the home.

Families in Times of Disaster

Families who experience disasters often find it hard to recover from them. How can traumatic events bring parents and children closer to God? by Rev. Dr. Rick Armstrong Throughout our lives, we have read or watched the events and aftermath of numerous storms, floods, tsunamis and disasters that have affected nations, communities, families and individuals.

Q and A

by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz  Q: How do you respond to people who maintain that all sin is the same, thereby saying the sins of Hitler were no worse than a child taking a cookie from the cookie jar when he or she is not supposed to do so? A: The answer to your

A Prayer Priority

by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar The month of January brings a new start in many ways. New calendars are put up on walls. New pages begin datebooks and monthly planners. In short, personal decisions on how time should be spent are reconsidered at this time of new beginnings. Where and how are we going to

Epiphany of Mercy

by Rev. Matthew Zickler With the start of the New Year, we celebrate the season of Epiphany. Epiphany comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, which is an appearing or appearance and, according to Danker’s Greek-English lexicon, can relate to “a visible and sudden manifestation of a hidden divinity.” An epiphany occurs “in the form of a

Ten Minutes with . . . Rev. Jeffrey Kuddes (Web-exclusive story)

by Melanie Ave The Rev. Jeffrey Kuddes is a Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) pastor of nearly 20 years who has developed an ongoing love for the people of Madagascar, a country 10,000 miles from his southeast Minnesota home. Kuddes currently serves a dual-parish, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran in Waltham, Minn., and St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran in

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