The Theology of Intellectual Well-Being One vital area of church worker development is intellectual well-being.
The Theology of Relational Well-Being Sin will be in our relationships. But so can be Christ’s redemption.
The Theology of Spiritual Well-Being As church workers, the Gospel must remain the source of our comfort and sustenance.
Why Worker Wellness? A word to pastors By taking our health seriously, we will have more resilience to handle trials when they come, and to continue to serve one another well through them.
Why Worker Wellness? A word to lay leaders When you support your church workers, you bless the whole Body of Christ.
Mental health and pastoral ministry The Holy Ministry does not bubble wrap pastors. In fact, it can compound mental health stressors in ways that many other vocations do not.
Walther’s breakdown Even the greatest of Christians can suffer from mental illness. In this letter from C.F.W. Walther to his congregation, Walther describes his debilitating depression and the beginnings of respite and healing.