Nourishing Children’s Minds and Hearts with Beautiful Illustration
One of the ways to help us and our children read Scripture faithfully is through faithful, realistic art and illustration.
One of the ways to help us and our children read Scripture faithfully is through faithful, realistic art and illustration.
Wondering where to start? Here are some resources to aid you in supporting your children’s education from within the home.
Many challenges threaten education today. Like Luther, we can meet them with renewed devotion to faithful, Lutheran education.
As demand for private education soars, LCMS churches of any size can consider serving their congregation with a “microschool.”
A recommended reading list for high schoolers, including church history, literature, poetry, logic, mathematics and science books, and more.
A recommended reading list for older children, including church history, literature, poetry, logic, mathematics and science, drama, art books and more.
A recommended reading list for young children, including church history, literature, poetry, mathematics and science books, and more.
In an educational atmosphere which erodes the faith, Lutheran schools must ground their pedagogies in Scripture and Lutheran doctrine.
LCMS district education executives, school administrators and teachers shared the core challenges Lutheran schools face and potential solutions.
The fact that the LCMS is still here confessing the inerrant Scriptures is due in large part to our Lord’s mercy in preserving our schools.
A Lutheran education does not have at its heart primarily education in secular matters, but the deep and abiding inculcation of the faith.
The August issue focuses on Lutheran education.