
The Lutheran Witness - A Chaste and Decent Life - Christians must reclaim chastity as the vital, strong and beautiful virtue that it is: a standard and goal that should inspire, encourage and ultimately define all those who follow Christ.
A Chaste and Decent Life

Christians must reclaim chastity as the vital, strong and beautiful virtue that it is: a standard and goal that should inspire, encourage and ultimately define all those who follow Christ.

Resurrected Body

Easter changes everything. It even answers the question of transgenderism.

Do Not Be Deceived

As the Small Catechism teaches, we are to lead a chaste and decent life in what we say and do. We are to be discriminating, not promiscuous; we are to be faithful to whom God has called us to love and honor.

A Chaste and Decent Life

Chastity takes place throughout the entire life of the believer. It encompasses not simply the acts occurring in the bedroom, but the life we live together and before the world, in the clothes we wear, the jokes we tell, even the movies we watch.

Lutheran Witness: January 2021

The January issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses the “Chaste and Decent Life” to which Christians are called, in spite of a culture which has rejected it.

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