The Small Congregation
In truth, the size of the congregation is no indication of God’s favor or disfavor.
In truth, the size of the congregation is no indication of God’s favor or disfavor.
The February issue of The Lutheran Witness is all about smaller congregations.
We know where the kingdom of God is on this earth: where the Word of God is preached and Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are administered.
Brideshead Revisited paints a picture of the church as a hopeful community for those who have lost hope in everything else.
The LCMS has embarked on an aggressive, comprehensive Church Worker Recruitment Initiative. The initiative seeks to form pastors and church workers to hand over the saving faith to God’s people, passing on the Christian faith from one generation to the next until our Savior’s return.
Wherever one finds the living voice of Christ and those who by the Holy Spirit hear and believe it — both pastor and flock together — there is the church.
The Church is a paradox. She is the Bride of Christ, ‘spotless,’ ‘holy.’ And yet she only appears in this world hidden under the guise of poor sinners.
We’re talking about your church family, the people of God. In this family, you gather to receive from Jesus what only He can give: Himself in Word and Sacrament.
The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses Jesus’ holy Bride, the church, under the theme “Una Sancta — One Holy.”
What is the one thing the church is going to have to let go of in order to make disciples of all nations?