Broken Community: Fifty Years After the Walkout
Our theology has consequences. What is taught in college and seminary classrooms filters down into the preaching and life of the church.
Our theology has consequences. What is taught in college and seminary classrooms filters down into the preaching and life of the church.
In the arguments over Christ’s presence in the Lord’s Supper, the Reformed side invoked Aristotle’s philosophical adage that “the finite cannot contain the infinite.”
Among Americans who consider themselves Christian, 52% believe they are saved by their good works rather than by faith in Christ as Savior.
You are what you eat. If you want to lose weight, you can exercise more, get more sleep, get outside more. You can change lots of things, but if you don’t change what you eat, the other changes won’t matter much in the long run. Your food is your health or your sickness. Your soul
It’s common for people to formulate the identity of God by determining first what’s good in us, and then deciding that God must be that and more.
A Lutheran is a person who believes, teaches and confesses the truths of God’s Word as they are summarized and confessed in the Book of Concord.
The Book of Concord contains documents in which Christians from the fourth to the 16th century A.D. explained what they believed and taught on the basis of the Holy Scriptures.
A poll was taken of over 2,000 Lutheran pastors several years ago, asking them to list the questions they most frequently are asked about the Lutheran Confessions as contained in the Book of Concord. Here are the questions, in the order of frequency. Following the questions, answers are provided.