The Latest Articles
The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Book Review: ‘Are We All Cyborgs Now? Reclaiming Our Humanity from the Machine’
This new book, co-authored by an LCMS student of theology, offers a solution to our digital technology predicament: life together in the church.
On ‘That Hideous Strength’: Christian Community, the Gate to All Good Adventure
Lewis’s novel shows us how Christ Himself is present in Christian community.
Our Great Heritage: Katharina von Bora Luther
Born noble, raised to be a nun, then marrying an outlaw reformer and dying in poverty — Katharina understood the cost of clinging to Christ.
A Chaste and Decent Life
Christians must reclaim chastity as the vital, strong and beautiful virtue that it is: a standard and goal that should inspire, encourage and ultimately define all those who follow Christ.
Male and Female He Created Them: Speaking the Truth in Love About Transgenderism
How can Christians speak the truth in love about transgenderism?
Sacrificial, Unconditional, Incarnational: A Biblical View of Marriage
Married couples get to live out the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus.
What God Has Joined Together
An unhappy, unfulfilling or difficult marriage does not call for a divorce, but for redoubled effort to craft a marriage that honors God.