The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Book Review: ‘Are We All Cyborgs Now? Reclaiming Our Humanity from the Machine’

This new book, co-authored by an LCMS student of theology, offers a solution to our digital technology predicament: life together in the church.


A Parent’s Duty

Sports are great in their place. But where they displace divine worship, they have no place in the Christian life.

Our Great Heritage: Thomas Aquinas

A diligent scholar, Aquinas sought to know God’s truth and communicate it in a clear way to a confused world.

On “The Kiss” by Gustave Klimt

Marriage is an image, a shadow of the ultimate marriage of Christ and the church.

Why Worker Wellness? A word to pastors

By taking our health seriously, we will have more resilience to handle trials when they come, and to continue to serve one another well through them.

Why Worker Wellness? A word to lay leaders

When you support your church workers, you bless the whole Body of Christ.

A Global Hope

Being a confessional Lutheran church body can seem lonely — but the LCMS has 43 sister churches around the world that face similar pressures and challenges.

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