The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Mental Illness in the Lutheran Congregation

Research shows that one in five adults, and one in six children, will experience a mental illness.


Should Lutherans Take ‘The Benedict Option’?

Dreher’s despair suggests that he was hoping for much more out of this world than it will give.

The Misguided Individualism of the “Self-Care” Movement

Rest is necessary. But as Christians, we see other people as central to our vocation, rather than obstacles to our happiness.

LCMS Stewardship Feature Story
Acedia: The Steward’s Deadly Sin

When there is acedia (that is, apathy) toward stewardship, there is apathy toward the work of the Gospel.

On “Saint Martin and the Beggar” by El Greco

In any act of Christian charity, we see Christ.

‘My Kingdom Is Not of This World’: On success and vocation

God never promises worldly success or wealth or fame. What He promises is far better.

Lukas Cranach, Proclaimer of the Gospel in Visual Form

While Luther proclaimed the doctrine of justification in words, Lukas Cranach brought out this theology visually through his art.

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