To the Reader

by David L. Strand In his preface to the 1983 Convention Proceedings, the late Synod Secretary Herbert Mueller wrote: “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is a grand old lady—old but spry! Many of us have learned to love her even more through the years as she seems to grow younger with the passing of time.” Some

Living a life of significance

What perfect timing! Dr. Kurt Senske’s article on “Living a Life of Significance” (Nov.) arrived just prior to an upcoming job interview. I reread the article the night before the interview and slept like a baby! No word on the job yet, but that’s okay. I’m at peace. Earl Biggers Dakota Dunes, S.D.   Read

Readable, reliable Bible translations

Dr. John Sias is to be commended for stressing the importance of a readable, reliable Bible translation in today’s language and also for warning of translator bias (“Handing on the Word of Truth,” Nov.). The ideal translation would be one that tells exactly what God gave prophets and apostles to say as they were directed

Your Light Has Come!

After the joy and happiness of Christmas are over, it’s easy to feel a post-holiday letdown. But Dr. Lessing has the cure for your winter blahs: Jesus’ death and resurrection . . . for you!

Providing solace from society

It has been my recent experience that many churches, including Lutheran churches, appear to be emphasizing contemporary technology. This takes the form of screens, amplified instruments (usually guitars), and monitor stations. In some churches, the architecture accommodates the monitor station, which is plainly visible. Often the amplified music is loud. The lyrics may not always

Yes, Virginia. There Are Angels!

Hallmark, Hollywood, and even some favorite traditions portray angels as chubby, happy cherubs. Why does the Bible say they strike fear in the hearts of those who see them?

Caring for Caregivers

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My mother lives in a nursing home in another state and is becoming more erratic in how she reacts to staff there. My siblings and I get calls asking us to “convince” Mom to cooperate when they have to take her to the hospital or to have a procedure. Our

Where Does God Come From?

Dr. Jerald C. Joersz My seven-year-old grandson asked me where God came from. I could not tell him. I hope you can. Dear reader’s grandson, I have a grandson about your age. His name is Joey. Like you, he is a very smart and curious person. He asks hard questions, some that even adults do

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