Living a life of significance

What perfect timing! Dr. Kurt Senske’s article on “Living a Life of Significance” (Nov.) arrived just prior to an upcoming job interview. I reread the article the night before the interview and slept like a baby! No word on the job yet, but that’s okay. I’m at peace. Earl Biggers Dakota Dunes, S.D.   Read

Readable, reliable Bible translations

Dr. John Sias is to be commended for stressing the importance of a readable, reliable Bible translation in today’s language and also for warning of translator bias (“Handing on the Word of Truth,” Nov.). The ideal translation would be one that tells exactly what God gave prophets and apostles to say as they were directed

Finding Strength in the Holy Communion

Often times, it’s easy for those of us who are lifelong Lutherans to take aspects of our church life for granted. But for a new Lutheran, joining a church that confesses Christ’s bodily presence in the Lord’s Supper is comforting, reassuring, and just plain exciting!

Where Does God Come From?

Dr. Jerald C. Joersz My seven-year-old grandson asked me where God came from. I could not tell him. I hope you can. Dear reader’s grandson, I have a grandson about your age. His name is Joey. Like you, he is a very smart and curious person. He asks hard questions, some that even adults do

God Bless Us, Every One!

The spirit of Christmas, Tiny Tim, bah humbugs . . . what does all this mean for a right understanding of Christmas? Thoughts on “A Christmas Carol.”

Christmas Presence

by Rev. Steven B. Borst When we were children, Christmas was about presents. The beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree—trimmed with ribbon, bows, and name tags—captivated our imagination. As Christmas Day drew near, the anticipation became almost unbearable as we dreamed about what those pretty packages might actually produce. Now that we are older, Christmas

Tantrums and Gifts

When we don’t get what we want, turning on other people, ourselves, and God is nothing new, no matter what age. We often think of God as a spiritual Santa Claus and thus limit Him and His abundant gifts. So where does that leave us?

The View from Here: ‘Come and See’

by Rev. Dr. Robert Rosin The fall quarter of teaching in St. Louis has come to a close. (We’ve squeezed in extra days to finish a bit early, and the students don’t mind–more time free for other papers and exams.) For me, the overseas work is about to begin–Germany, Czech Republic, and part of Asia

More than the bibliography

Dr. Rast’s article on “What Makes America American?” (October) . . . barely touched on the Lutherans’ contribution to American life so that the reader is left with the idea that Lutherans were ignored in this special, but very little attention was given to even a brief overview of the Lutherans’ contributions so that the

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