Matthew Harrison

An Eternal Confession

Lutherans confess Scripture to be inerrant. We are also pledged — every one of us — to the Book of Concord.

Seek Ye First

This word of promise helps us face our anxieties and cry out in confidence to our Lord and Savior.

A Word on the Equality Act

The Equality Act would bring sweeping changes to current laws, to the great detriment of biblically faithful churches, institutions, Christian schools and individuals.

Our ‘Sole Source and Norm of Doctrine’

In this important section of our Lutheran Book of Concord, the Lutheran church confesses this important distinction regarding the Bible as the “sole source and norm of doctrine,” yet faithfully confessed.

Certainty in Christ

Christian certainty can be summarized in terms of the Six Chief Parts of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.

Are You Doin’ Okay, Pastor?

Christ has given you a pastor, perhaps a lifetime of pastors, to love you in Christ and care for you. Please care for your pastor.

The Certain Gospel

St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians is a tour de force of certainty for every Christian.

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