Stewards Ask the Right Questions
Our stewardship goes far beyond the offering plate.
Our stewardship goes far beyond the offering plate.
God’s Word leads people to be faithful with what they have been given to show that the treasure of the Gospel is at work in and through them.
Successful stewardship is faithful stewardship. It is not about amount but about identity.
If you are noting a malaise in stewardship in your congregation, the best move is back to the catechism.
Stewardship wellness includes several dimensions, each bounded by our baptismal identity and spiritual health.
These are four pieces of budgeting wisdom that every congregational steward leader should consider.
Let’s break down the LCMS definition of “stewardship,” and consider its implications and applications.
As fallen stewards, there are several ways that we sabotage our own stewardship. Repentance is the only answer.
The stewardship hedgehog points always to the one thing needful for the steward and the neighbor alike: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Listening is a critical tool in any teaching, including the teaching of stewardship. You are called to a listening that seeks to determine where your people are coming from.
When there is acedia (that is, apathy) toward stewardship, there is apathy toward the work of the Gospel.
You were created by God to reflect His will among creation.