
The Religiously Remixed

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, we do not live in an increasingly secularized, materialist society. Rather, we live in a society in which people are increasingly “spiritual, but not religious.”

Share my Suffering?

My body is diseased, and I am suffering with an illness, but I do not want to burden my children or my church with it. I have not told them because I do not want them to suffer with me.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus asked, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16:13). That is a very important question.

The Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, the sinner. Whence it first arose is a matter of some debate among scholars …

Viral Evangelism: Lessons from a Pandemic

It began with one of the most powerful superspreading events in history: three thousand people at a single gathering. Although civil authorities were immediately concerned and quickly stepped up enforcement efforts in an attempt to isolate and quarantine the infected, it was too late. First the contagion spread like wildfire throughout the city, then it popped up seemingly at random in another city three hundred miles away and quickly spread there.

Sons of God

In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel visited a priest named Zechariah. Gabriel appeared suddenly as Zechariah served alone in the temple.

Spewing Out the Lukewarm

Around the world, both religious commitment and religious rejection are growing in various countries. But being lukewarm when it comes to religion is decreasing everywhere.

An Anniversary Celebration to Decline

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the decision by two predecessor bodies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to ordain women into the pastoral office.

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