By Issue

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2019

Look ahead to the 2019 Synod Convention with previews of overtures, nominees for president, essays, the opening service and more in the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness.

Lutheran Witness: May 2019

Readers curious to know more about who the Holy Spirit is and how He works will find plenty to ponder in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness. 

Lutheran Witness: April 2019

Christ alone. It seems so simple, so elementary. Every Lutheran knows and believes that, don’t they? And yet … how often do we forget?

Lutheran Witness: March 2019

In its March issue, LW looks at what it means for Christians to live “in the world, but not of the world” — together.

Lutheran Witness: February 2019

Who is your neighbor? And what does it mean to “love your neighbor as yourself”? This February, The Lutheran Witness is exploring what it looks like when Lutherans show God’s love to neighbors in need.

Lutheran Witness: January 2019

What will readers find in LW’s January issue on missions and evangelism? Faith. Conviction. Perseverance. Courage. Hope. Marching orders.

Lutheran Witness: December 2018

The great mystery and “miracle supreme” of Christ’s incarnation is the thread that runs through the December issue of The Lutheran Witness. 

Lutheran Witness: November 2018

What is the state of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 2018? Find out in the November issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness.’ 

Lutheran Witness: October 2018

It’s well documented that church workers experience high rates of burnout, depression and mental illness. But why is this? And what can be done?

Lutheran Witness: September 2018

Learn to “number your days” and come to grips with the reality that “you can’t do it all” in LW’s September issue on time and limitations. 

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