Print Feature

What Is Worship?

Gathered around the Word Welcome to worship, where things look and sound different from much of what you experience in your everyday life. You will use some difficult-to-pronounce words, and parts of the service will have unique names. Sometimes you’ll need the hymnal; sometimes you’ll need the bulletin. First, don’t worry. You’re new to this,

Hermann Sasse on Truth

This timeless piece, written during the rise of the Hitler regime in 1936, has much for us to ponder in our day and about ourselves.

God Creates, the Devil Destroys

The umbilical cord offers an image of what fundamentally makes for a good life: not autonomy and self-expression but dependence and interdependence on others.

Divine Authority

The matter of the inerrancy of Holy Scripture is a matter of faith, not sight.

A Compelling Truth

We are not just trying to win a debate or turn the tide of the culture in our favor. We are saying to the world, “We have something good and true and beautiful.”

Jesus and Apologetics

Attacks on the historicity of Scripture’s account of Jesus are quickly answered with a discussion on the sources of the life of Christ, the New Testament and the commentaries of the Early Church fathers.

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