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Compassionate Abortion?

God has given each mother a little neighbor, chosen specifically for her, formed from her body. The suffering involved in loving this neighbor is part of God’s good and gracious will for our lives.

Jesus, Our New Adam

God in Christ redeems and renews humanity — Adam’s fallen race — by assuming it.

God’s Clear, Reliable Word

The teachings of the Christian faith are, in fact, quite clear. They are found in extremely clear, uncontested biblical texts.

“I and the Father Are One”

by Matthew C. Harrison   Jesus made outlandish claims about Himself, none more outrageous than that He is God in the flesh: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). The religious leaders repeatedly charged Jesus with blasphemy because of this. Jesus invited divine worship of Himself (John 9:35–38). Thomas, praising Jesus from his knees, called

Four Accounts; One Truth

Editor’s note: In preparation for this article, you should read the four accounts of Christ’s Baptism: Matthew 3:13–17; Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–22; John 1:29–34. Darkness and confusion are not in Holy Scripture. It is light to guide us (Psalm 119:105), not darkness to mislead us. It is truth to set us free (John 8:32), not

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