Planting Lutheran Churches: The Heart of International Mission
The core of international mission is planting local Lutheran congregations that are theologically accountable and organizationally sustainable.
The core of international mission is planting local Lutheran congregations that are theologically accountable and organizationally sustainable.
This issue is an opportunity to hear from those who serve you in the International Center about how we are completing the work you have given us to do.
“Who do you say that I am?” When confronted by the Word of God, a confession is required.
The November Lutheran Witness gives updates on the work of the LCMS here in the U.S. and around the world.
Our homes can confess that God is for us when we root them in the Church Year.
Confession is not optional in Jesus’ book. The Christian confesses the faith before the world.
This issue discusses how we can confess Christ in our communities, homes and churches.
We subscribe to the Confessions because they are a faithful exposition of God’s Word, not just insofar as they contain the Word of God.
Read through the Formula of Concord with us in 2025 — just a few pages a week!
Launching and maintaining KFUO Radio was not easy. But by God’s grace, KFUO has continued proclaiming God’s Word over the airwaves for 100 years.
Sound, pure, biblical doctrine is always aimed at the repentance and forgiveness and strengthening of poor sinners like you and me.
Christ crucified has been the heart of KFUO’s proclamation for the last 100 years, and remains so today.