Letting these gifts be blessed
Our marriages and families, and we ourselves, are better for shared mealtimes. So how do we cherish these gifts together on a regular basis?
Our marriages and families, and we ourselves, are better for shared mealtimes. So how do we cherish these gifts together on a regular basis?
Reexamine major news stories from a Lutheran perspective with Gene Edward Veith’s new monthly “World Views” column in The Lutheran Witness magazine.
Lent is not so much a time of “giving things up” as it is a time for adding things that increase our awareness of God’s mercy in Christ Jesus.
What does it mean for Lutheran Christians to offer welcome? In its February issue, The Lutheran Witness aims to find out.
Will you, by God’s Spirit, resolve to be more diligent in prayer for for your pastor? He needs your prayers, always — and now, more than ever.
“… who made heaven and earth” (Ps. 124:8). Have you ever stopped to think about what these familiar words mean for you?
Depending on whom you ask, the internet can be either a mission field ripe for harvest or a minefield of perilous temptation. Which view is correct?
We can’t safeguard our loved ones from every danger. We’re only human. But there is One who provides ultimate protection — Jesus Christ.
A radio producer answers common questions about podcasting: What is it? Who listens? And (most importantly) should my church try it?
When facing criticism, do you respond with denial? despair? defensiveness? Or do you instead see (and seize) the opportunity to learn and grow?
Online connections can lead to in-store purchases or in-person coffee dates, but they can also draw people to the Church and to the saving Word of God.
Given that there are over two billion active users on Facebook alone, the question “who is my neighbor?” takes on a whole new dimension in a digital age.