Quiet Despair and Its Remedies
If you find yourself in “quiet despair” about the state of the church, consider these five things.
If you find yourself in “quiet despair” about the state of the church, consider these five things.
We do not despair. The church of God is a community buoyed by hope, confident in God.
The March issue takes up the topic of “A Hopeful Community.”
Hermann Sasse explains why faith and hope belong together: Both are bound to history.
What was at stake in the 1974 “Walkout”? The authority and inerrancy of Holy Scripture.
“The same church that grows in the fields and the suburbs is here in Boston for you.”
Our theology has consequences. What is taught in college and seminary classrooms filters down into the preaching and life of the church.
The February issue of The Lutheran Witness recalls the history of the “Walkout” from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 50 years ago this month.
This document endures as a confessional testimony against historical criticism of the Bible.
In this issue of The Lutheran Witness, we will help you understand and receive the eternal treasures of the Divine Service.
The January Lutheran Witness provides a guide to the Lutheran Divine Service.
Gathered around the Word Welcome to worship, where things look and sound different from much of what you experience in your everyday life. You will use some difficult-to-pronounce words, and parts of the service will have unique names. Sometimes you’ll need the hymnal; sometimes you’ll need the bulletin. First, don’t worry. You’re new to this,