The Magazine

Why not?

I read with great interest Rev. Derek Roberts’ story, but wanted to add one question to the top of his “Technology Litmus Test.” I think that the first question would be more like, “Why not?” If we have access to media and technology that will allow others hear the message of Jesus in a myriad

Increasing connectedness

I read with great interest the article “Being a Christian in a High-tech World” (February). I disagree that the church is necessarily “borderline archaic” in terms of technology and media when we Lutherans pride ourselves on using new media first. Surely we can do better in today’s setting than to encourage our congregations to be

One of the best

Excellent article in the February Lutheran Witness (“A Heavenly Reunion”). One of the best that has appeared in the magazine. George Menghi Houston, Texas   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The Lutheran Witness, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295; or send them via e-mail to


by Rev. Dr. Robert Rosin Five centuries before Christ, as Athens headed toward the end of its golden age, the city found itself in conflict with rival Sparta. One year into the Peloponnesian War, the leader of Athens—a general and statesman named Pericles—delivered a funeral oration made famous by the historian Thucydides. Pericles lauded the

Death’s Precarious Toehold

What is the source of our Resurrection joy? President Harrison reminds us that Jesus’ death is our hope and comfort in the midst of life and especially at Easter.

God’s Foster Child

Some of us struggle with realizing peace and joy. The answer? The comfort of Christ’s death and resurrection on our behalf.

To the Reader

by Adriane Dorr If Christ has not been raised, The Lutheran Witness has no value. It has nothing to offer, nothing to which your faith can cling, nothing that can tell of you of Christ’s humiliation and death on your behalf. But if Christ has been raised, if Satan has lost and his head has

Spiritual but Not Religious?

by Rev. Stephen Wenk As a chaplain in a university hospital setting, I have the privilege of speaking with people of all faith backgrounds, usually about the role their belief plays in facing a medical crisis. Frequently, patients tell me they are “spiritual but not religious.” I confess that too often when I hear those

What was Paul’s ailment?

by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz Q: In 2 Cor. 12:7, Paul mentions that he was given a “thorn in the flesh,” a“messenger of Satan” sent to “torment” him. Do we know what Paul’s ailment was? A: Stretching all the way back to the second-century church father Tertullian—who thought Paul suffered from headaches— there has

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