The Magazine

A worthy diet

 Thank you for the recent theological articles such as “The Forgotten Holiday” (May) that have appeared in recent issues of The Lutheran Witness. In my mind, little else could be more “practical” than knowing why we believe what we believe. Indeed, a regular diet of theology helps us to “think God’s thoughts after Him.” Darin

Big Decisions in a Big City

Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod made important decisions that will chart the course of the Synod for years to come.

Suffering Together, Rejoicing Together

After his election July 13, Rev. Harrison addressed the convention and introduced his wife, Kathy, to the assembly. Here is the edited text of his brief statement.

Who is Matthew Harrison?

Interested in getting to know President-elect Harrison? Find out who he is, where he’s from, and what he has to say.

Lutheran Witness: August 2010

Welcome to the August issue of The Lutheran Witness. It’s been two months since we’ve arrived in your mailbox, or on your doorstep, and a lot has changed in the interval.

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2010

Welcome to the August issue of The Lutheran Witness. It’s been two months since we’ve arrived in your mailbox, or on your doorstep, and a lot has changed in the interval.

2010 Convention Preview

Decisions affecting structure and governance will take precedence when the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod meets July 10—17 in Houston.

National Offering Focuses on Sharing Christ’s Love

by Roland Lovstad In conjunction with the 2010 LCMS Convention, congregations and their members are invited to participate in prayers and in gathering a national offering to continue their commitment to the mission of Christ through the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Building on the convention theme, “ONE People—Forgiven,” the offering emphasizes “ONE People Sharing

Task Force Proposals

How the LCMS is organized could change if delegates to July’s national convention in Houston approve recommendations from a four-year study by a special task force.

For President (Candidate Q&A)

The men nominated by LCMS congregations to stand for election as Synod president offer their insights on the state of the Synod and the issues confronting it.

2010 Youth Gathering

Hard on the heels of the Synod’s convention in Houston, LCMS youth will gather in New Orleans July 17—21 for the National Youth Gathering.

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