The Magazine

Opportunities next door

The mission articles in the October 2009 Lutheran Witness explain very nicely international outreach activities in Cambodia, Uganda, Korea, and Hong Kong. These are all worthwhile mission activities under LCMS World Mission and are worthy of support. However, one glaring piece missing in the “Mission Multiplication” article is the outreach/mission needs right at our back

Are There Different Versions of the Lord’s Prayer?

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz When my Roman Catholic friends pray the Lord’s Prayer, they do not use the concluding doxology (“For Thine is the Kingdom . . .”). Why do they omit it, while we Lutherans (and most Protestants) include the words? As we answer this question, some background information might be helpful: Old

How Much Control?

by Dr. Randy Schroeder My husband believes that a Christian parent should have absolute control over his or her children. He has rules for everything, and he expects our children always to be perfect. I’m afraid he is damaging them. The tension at home is high, and our children are starting to rebel. What help

Shedding Some Light

A Terrific Insight Amber, age 6, was sitting at the kitchen table, watching her mother rinse the dinner dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Noticing that Mom was sporting a few strands of white hair in addition to her familiar auburn color, she asked inquisitively, “Momma, why are those hairs white?” “Well, every time

Palm Sunday: Jesus Shows Up

by Rev. Timothy C. Cartwright Several years ago, The Lutheran Witness printed a humorous story submitted by Rev. David R. Liefeld: It was Palm Sunday, but because of strep throat, Sue’s 3-year-old son had to stay home from church with a baby-sitter. When the family returned home carrying palm branches, he asked what they were

‘Our Beloved Synod’

‘Throughout our Synod’s history, we have sought to carry out the mission God has given us . . .’

Working in Partnership to Assist Haitians

by Kim Plummer Krull Many Lutheran partners are working cooperatively with LCMS World Relief and Human Care (LCMS WR-HC), LCMS World Mission, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti on the earthquake response in Haiti. They include but are not limited to the following: MISSION: Haiti, operating through the LCMS Florida-Georgia District ( Orphan Grain

Lutheran Witness: March 2010

By the time you pick up this issue of The Lutheran
Witness, the story that has dominated the news for the
past two months, the terrible earthquake in Haiti, will
likely have begun to recede from the headlines. Yet…

A joy to read and treasure

I truly enjoyed “Christmas Magic,” Rev. Raymond L. Hartwig’s article in the December Lutheran Witness. It brought back memories of my wonderful grade-school days in the 1950s at St. Paul’s Lutheran School. We had a devout Christian man named Edison F. Onken who taught all four of the lower grades. I remember those beautiful days

Christmas greetings

I’d like to respond to a recent Christmastime poll question on your Lutheran Witness Web site []. The poll asked the following: “How do you reply when greeted by the words ‘Happy Holidays’? [Do you reply] ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’?” Because there was no option for “Other,” I submit that Neither/Other would be a

No timetable for grief

In your December Family Counselor, Theresa Shaltanis answered a question about grieving. I did not write the following, but I copied it after losing my husband and struggling with the feeling of overwhelming loneliness. I don’t know who the author is. However, it made me feel better knowing I wasn’t strange just because I couldn’t

Come down to earth, please!

I have been reading The Lutheran Witness since I was young (30+ years) and have often found it to be written in language better suited for seminary professors and pastors. The ordinary layperson in our churches may have to struggle through articles written in a pedantic style and language. Where are the articles that pertain

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