Letter From the President

The best thing going

“I do not recall any delegate denying any biblical teaching of our Lutheran church. In this day and age, that is, frankly, amazing.”

Thanks, Herb!

First Vice-President Herb Mueller has been a standout among many excellent and gifted servants of Christ throughout his years of service to the LCMS.

Peace on a mission

Jesus’ peace is “peace on a mission.” “As the Father has sent me,” He told His apostles, “even so I am sending you.”

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

During Lent, we stare the awful truth of death directly in the face and contemplate anew the depth of our sin and the magnitude of Christ’s salvation.

Praying to the Lord of the harvest

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:36).

Let’s be who we are

From LCMS President Matthew Harrison: “We cannot and must not lose our fundamental, biblical, confessional and (above all) Gospel bearings.”

A meditation for Christmas

Cradle to cross, Jesus humbled Himself, serving to the point of death and giving His life as a ransom for many. At Christmas and always, we cling to Him.

So many blessings

“Synod” is not St. Louis. It’s you. It’s your local congregation, it’s your circuit, it’s your district, it’s all of us together. And we are blessed.

Walther’s breakdown

Even the greatest of Christians can suffer from mental illness. In this letter from C.F.W. Walther to his congregation, Walther describes his debilitating depression and the beginnings of respite and healing.

About time

The Bible has a shocking plethora of things to say about time, and much of it is of the blessed Gospel! In fact, it lifts the pall on time and reveals Christ in eternity.

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