Part 1: Why This Conversation, Why Now?
Christians can develop a better framework for understanding the digital world, responding to it, and living humanely and faithfully within it.
Christians can develop a better framework for understanding the digital world, responding to it, and living humanely and faithfully within it.
This is the dark before dawn. In the morning, He’s coming for us.
Thanksgiving hymns are all about provision, the good earth, God’s bounty, and His joy in the physical world.
C.S. Lewis reminds us of our everlasting hope despite political turmoil.
My life is hid with Christ in God. I’m inside His armor. I get to see Him fight for me.
Richard Adams tells a story that is not overtly Christian but nonetheless reflects Christian truths.
This preacher, teacher, translator and LCMS president confessed the joyous reality of Christ and His resurrection found in Scripture.
Spurred on by a deep love for her neighbor, Rosa Young brought education and the Gospel to a region deeply in need.
One of the ways to help us and our children read Scripture faithfully is through faithful, realistic art and illustration.
Faced with false confession or schism, he chose the hard path, navigated extreme challenges, and helped establish our church body.
‘Frankenstein’ is a tragic picture of what happens when we don’t live according to our design for communion with our Creator and fellow creatures.
This talented Lutheran musician continues to influence our music in church, in the symphony, and on the radio.