Christian Families Can’t Save the World, but They Can Confess the Faith
Families are part of God’s model for life on earth, and Christian families have an opportunity to confess our faith in Jesus by living out our vocations.
Families are part of God’s model for life on earth, and Christian families have an opportunity to confess our faith in Jesus by living out our vocations.
God commands us to honor our fathers and mothers. What does that mean if your mom and dad are wrong?
The Christian home can proclaim the Gospel and serve its neighbors.
Attending church with our children is a powerful confession of faith. It is a chance to witness to our neighbors, our children and even ourselves that Jesus comes to us here on earth — and that we need Him.
A recommended reading list for high schoolers, including church history, literature, poetry, logic, mathematics and science books, and more.
A recommended reading list for young children, including church history, literature, poetry, mathematics and science books, and more.
Although he wrote long before the Sexual Revolution, Tolstoy anticipates the tragic effects of such an ethic on human life.
Family traditions show our children that our seemingly mundane and fleeting lives can be a reflection of the eternal life we are meant for.
The December issue of The Lutheran Witness reflects on “The Blessing of Children.”
Every child is a blessing, even if that blessing is an opportunity for parents to learn self-sacrifice — and even if that blessing is, in the eyes of the world, one too many.
Christ’s birth provides a beautiful archetype of life in our culture of death.
Our children need to know about ugly realities like sin, death and the devil in order to understand the faith.