Treasury of Daily Prayer: A COVID Lifeline
After years of trying (and failing) to establish a daily devotional time, the Treasury of Daily Prayer has been a game-changer.
After years of trying (and failing) to establish a daily devotional time, the Treasury of Daily Prayer has been a game-changer.
If the only place the church could gather to hear the Word and receive the Sacraments was a [catacomb/graveyard/prison camp], would I go?
1793. 1918. 2020. Devastating diseases have been a part of the human experience since the fall of human beings into sin.
In 1755, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Lisbon, Portugal, on All Saints’ Day, terrorizing the city of 250,000. Churches were full when the first tremor struck. Many perished in collapsing churches.
God works His greatest blessings through crosses.
We do not often think of a funeral as the best time for reflection on the Small Catechism. However, when I conducted my first funeral as a young pastor, I was struck by just how appropriate Luther’s explanation to the Seventh Petition of the Lord’s Prayer was for just such an occasion. I not only incorporated it into my first funeral sermon but also led the congregation in a recitation of it then and at every subsequent funeral service.
Thoughts from the midst of the virus by Derek Lecakes. Life has changed.
Pandemics and plagues have come and gone over the millennia. Christ has sustained His church.
Christ’s death paid the price for your sins so that even though you “patiently await” physical death, you wait with the hope of the resurrection.