The Sanctified Life in a Hostile World In a world increasingly antagonistic toward the Gospel and the Christian church, how do we live?
Lutheran Witness: March 2025 This issue discusses how we can live faithfully in a culture increasingly hostile toward the Christian faith.
Lutheran Life in ‘The Negative World’: Holding to the Gospel in a Shifting Culture Today, basic Christian tenets are seen as threats to society. How shall we live in this “negative world”?
Patterns of Thought in the ‘Woke’ Worldview Understanding ‘woke’ worldviews will help Christians known how to respond to this movement spreading across the U.S.
God Declares His Pronouns: He/Him The confession that God is Father and has eternally begotten His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, has been criticized …
U.S. Population Changes Bring Opportunities Population growth in the U.S. is slowing, with the decade of 2010–2020 recording the slowest growth rate in American history.