Jesus vs. Caesar There is only one Lord. There is only one Savior. There is only one Son of God. Jesus. Nobody else even comes close.
God without Christ Luther warned against speculating about God apart from His incarnation in Jesus Christ.
Who is Jesus? Jesus asked, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16:13). That is a very important question.
The Jesus Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, the sinner. Whence it first arose is a matter of some debate among scholars …
Jesus isn’t the rebel you think He is To see Jesus only as either a zealous renegade or an ardent traditionalist is to ignore His true and fundamental identity.
Christ Becomes the Greatest Sinner . . . for You! Jesus comes to [John the Baptist] at the Jordan from Galilee and desires to be baptized [Matt. 3:13]. How marvelously backward this is!
Come Quickly!: Antiphon for December 19 Even as we ask for the Lord Christ’s deliverance of each of us from every evil of body and soul, we look ahead with joy and gladness, living in hope in Christ.