Our Great Heritage: Martin Luther This humble German pastor and professor sought to restore the teachings of Scripture and share the blessing of a comforted conscience.
How Does Faith Give Freedom? In this next section of The Freedom of a Christian, Luther unpacks his assertion that faith alone justifies the sinner before God.
When one can’t flee the plague Christ’s death paid the price for your sins so that even though you “patiently await” physical death, you wait with the hope of the resurrection.
Luther alone? Everywhere we turn these days, we see Luther’s face and hear Luther’s story. But Luther didn’t act alone. He couldn’t have.
Reformation 2017: What’s at Stake? The Same Thing as Always The article upon which the Church stands or falls is the doctrine of justification. It is the chief article of Christian doctrine.
Consolations for Our Times As we await the advent of Christ, we need the same consolations for our times
Luther’s Catholic Reformation The early Lutherans were also diligent to keep the traditional practices and ceremonies of the church, as long as these did not conflict with the Gospel of grace.