The Church Prays for Church Workers
The community of Christ prays that God would supply church workers.
The community of Christ prays that God would supply church workers.
What can little Christians like us do before the Almighty? What can we ask of Him that He was not already planning to give?
The beneficial, surprising art of keeping a prayer list — whether on an ancient wax tablet or on sticky notes.
The May issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the topic of prayer.
When you’re faced with a concern that bears repeated prayer, you may find comfort in writing your own collect.
The church is a praying community, and we pray in the name of Jesus.
The Common Table Prayer is old, older than our own memory. But how old is it, and who wrote it?
Many of us feel uncomfortable when praying out loud. Here is some practical guidance for doing so.
The hardest part of gardening is always the waiting.
Politicians find it expedient to give an occasional nod to God, whoever or whatever they conceive the deity to be.
When I became a Lutheran, one of the few things about my new church that I did not love was the Common Table Prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, the sinner. Whence it first arose is a matter of some debate among scholars …