Rejoicing to confess
The Lutheran Confessions give us a firm place to stand as we consider the world in all its complexity.
The Lutheran Confessions give us a firm place to stand as we consider the world in all its complexity.
Several references tell of Luther’s great struggle – the struggle we all face in times of death.
As we await the advent of Christ, we need the same consolations for our times
If the future of the Church depends upon us, then we are sunk.
Wherever the Gospel and Sacraments are—enough to bring people to true faith in the true Jesus—there is the Church.
So it is with marriage. You won’t get very far trying to travel alone in a relationship, talking to yourself, or at someone else.
Read one Synod president’s words, which comprise a beautiful, urgent admonition for synod conventions to be, above all, doctrinal and to be doctrinal in order to be about mission.
Our house of faith is built on the Rock!
“Whether proclaimed by a layperson, preacher—indeed by the devil himself,” the Word does its work.
Christ has given us both spiritual priests and pastors. That’s His mission paradigm. When both are functioning as God has given, there is mutual love and complementary support.
Luther realized it was not about an active righteousness (our actions), but about a passive righteousness (God’s actions in Christ credited to us freely)!
The best place for us to get hold of what the Bible is and how to understand it is found in Jesus Himself. How does Jesus regard the Bible?