
Views on grace

Denominations in Christianity understand “grace” in a variety of ways. See how the Scripture-based understanding Lutherans have of grace compares with others.

The reason for every season

Christmas and Advent are also about Christ’s coming in Word and Sacrament today, and about living in eager, joyful anticipation of His second coming.

A crèche “crisis” averted  

Let us join the Holy Family and shepherds and angels in focusing our gaze on the babe in the crib, on the greatest Gift of God, born to bear all our sins and give us eternal life.

Jesus got it right

Reformation Day reminds us that the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross sets us free. Jesus got it right. And, eventually, so did Luther.

Live generously, live dangerously

Living generously does not always look sensible or wise, but it looks like the love of Jesus, and by this all people will know that we are His disciples.

With my lost saints

It may seem for all the world as though death is the end of love. But it is not so. In Christ, love never ends (1 Cor. 13:8).

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