- From the President: The Joy of a Generous and Faithful Lutheranism
From the editor

“This declaration . . . is our faith, doctrine and confession. By God’s grace, with intrepid hearts, we are willing to appear before the judgment seat of Christ with this confession.” – Formula of Concord
In 2017, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We’ll eat salty pretzels and clink mugs of foamy beer and sing “A Mighty Fortress” with gusto (but of the humble variety . . . we’re Lutherans after all).
But that isn’t what makes us Lutheran.
In this special, extended issue of The Lutheran Witness, we’ll learn again—together—what it means to believe in faith alone, grace alone, Scripture alone and Christ alone. We’ll get a crash course on the important documents, people and tenets that made up the Reformation.
Most importantly, though, we’ll be reminded of why we believe what we believe. We’ll be pointed to Christ and His Word. And with our Lutheran fathers in the faith, we—with our own intrepid hearts—will say just as firmly, “This declaration . . . is our faith, doctrine and confession!”
Adriane Heins, Managing Editor
The Lutheran Witness