In its September issue, The Lutheran Witness celebrates the 150th anniversary of CPH under the theme “Steadfastly Faithful to God’s Word.”
- From the President: The best thing going
- Joy:fully Lutheran: Synod in Convention — Cheryl Magness
- Observations on the 150th Anniversary of Concordia Publishing House — Paul T. McCain
- CPH at 150: The Word Endures
- Faithfully Producing Materials to Serve the Church — An interview with Bruce G. Kintz
- A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture — Christopher W. Mitchell
- Writing for CPH — Donna Pyle
- world views: A monthly news column from Gene Edward Veith
- searching scriptures: Bid to rejoice … in Christ — Timothy Pauls
- bene+diction: The Word Claims Us — Bryan Wolfmueller
From the editor
Hymnals. Catechisms. Study Bibles. Sunday school curricula. VBS. Scholarly commentaries. Arch Books. Like old friends and faithful companions, these materials from Concordia Publishing House (CPH) have accompanied me throughout my baptized life. CPH plays a vital role in our weekly and daily routine. From worship materials to catechisms, from scholars’ insights concerning the text of Holy Scripture to sharing Bible stories with our children, CPH provides the LCMS with what we need. And they have for 150 years.
Yet the focus and goal has never been CPH. Their own website states, “Every book, study, and leaflet we print points you to Jesus and how He impacts your life today — no matter your vocation, age or life stage.” The Word of the Lord endures forever. And CPH exists to publish materials to instruct in that Word.
This issue also reviews the 67th Regular Convention of the LCMS in Tampa, Fla. In all that was discussed and decided, it is the Word of God that endures. Bylaw changes, policies and resolutions reveal different aspects of life in the church. But in all we do, Jesus Christ is the Lord of His church.
The Word of the Lord endures forever. Amen. And let us all, with the blessed One from Psalm 1, meditate on the Word of the Lord day and night.
In His mercy,
Kevin Armbrust
Interim Managing Editor, The Lutheran Witness