Lutheran Witness: April 2020

The April issue of The Lutheran Witness explores Holy Scripture’s testimony about the resurrection, under the theme “If Christ Had Not Been Raised… .”


  • St. Paul’s Finest Pearl: 1 Corinthians 15 — Gregory Lockwood
  • The Defense of the Resurrection — Kirk M. Clayton
  • Answering Objections to the Resurrection — Adam S. Francisco
  • Hymns of Resurrection Praise — Sean Daenzer
  • Speaking the Truth in Love — John Bombaro
  • world views: A monthly news column from Gene Edward Veith
  • searching scriptures: Me? An Apologist? — Weslie Odom
  • bene+diction: Rise and Go — Mary J. Moerbe

From the editor

Chances are, if you talk to your neighbors about the resurrection of Jesus, they will think you are a bit nuts: “Everyone knows dead people do not come back to life.”

And yet, here you are, dear Christian, confessing with St. Paul that if Christ has not been raised, you have no hope. If Christ has not been raised from the dead, you have wasted all those Sunday mornings, and we have wasted hundreds of thousands of pages here at The Lutheran Witness telling tall tales.

Welcome to the resurrection. God raised Jesus from the dead, which is great news for you. And, in the face of the world’s attack on the resurrection, we continue to boldly confess why Jesus’ tomb was empty on Easter Sunday: He rose from the dead.

In this issue, you will find a discussion of Christ’s resurrection and why it’s important. You will find answers to common objections to the resurrection, and why they do not account for all the evidence. You will also find out how the Scriptures discuss the facts surrounding the empty tomb.

At the same time, Christians do not argue people into faith; the Holy Spirit creates faith when and where it pleases Him. As the children of God, we strive to speak the truth about these matters with love.

Do not be afraid to believe in and confess the resurrection; do not fear if the world thinks you are a bit on the loony side. If Christ has not been raised, you have no hope. But Christ has been raised, and He has tied His resurrection to yours in the waters of Holy Baptism. His life is yours.

In resurrection joy,

Roy S. Askins

Managing Editor, The Lutheran Witness

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