The November issue of The Lutheran Witness gives updates on the work of the LCMS here in the U.S. and around the world, as we follow the marching orders set for us by the Synod in convention.
- From the President: Hold Fast the Confession
- From the Editor: Walking Together as Synod
- The LCMS Mission Units: Confessing and working together — Kevin D. Robson
- International Mission: Planting Lutheran churches — Cory J. Rajek
- Mission in Eurasia: ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail’
- Mission in Asia: God’s Word stands forever
- Mission in Latin America: Partnership in the Gospel
- Mission in Africa: ‘To the end of the age’
- Ministry to the Armed Forces: Pastors in uniform — Craig G. Muehler
- Pastoral Education: Equipping the shepherds — James Baneck
- National Mission: God’s mission here — Daniel Galchutt
- Built on the Rock: Planting and sustaining LCMS churches
- Bear One Another’s Burdens: Mercy and care for church and neighbor
- Conversation and Collaboration: Working with congregations and districts
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- Walking Together: Congregational spotlight on First Lutheran Church in El Cajon, Calif.
- Worship: The Penitential Psalms: Praying Christ’s Prayers
- Searching Scripture: A Humble Community (1 Peter 5:1–7)