Throughout this last year, most of the themes of The Lutheran Witness have, in some way, related to community, whether “Broken Community” (February), the first Christian community in Acts (June), the Christian community in worship (January), or others. At the heart of the themes this year is the truth that Christians live together in a community that is given from above. We are the Body of Christ, and as such, He is our head (1 Cor. 12:12–31). He gives us community when He incorporates us into His Body through the waters of Holy Baptism.
As The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), we also work together as the Body of Christ. We have been joined together, and as His Body we join hands and work together to accomplish the work He has set out for His church. Our Lord has not prescribed how we must order our lives together entirely. He has given and requires the pastoral office for preaching, teaching and stewarding His Sacraments, but He does not mandate a particular structure for organizing the work He has given us to do.
The LCMS has chosen a model and structure of working together that begins with you, the pastors, congregations and congregational members of the LCMS. Rather than a top-down approach with a pope or bishop directing the church from above, the LCMS operates at the direction of her congregations. In the broadest terms, congregations direct the LCMS by offering up and voting on resolutions at LCMS conventions. These provide the marching orders for those of us who work at the Synod’s headquarters, which is called the LCMS International Center, in St. Louis.
To round out LW’s emphasis on community this year, then, we decided to offer for you a quick update on how the various offices at the International Center are accomplishing the tasks you set before us. You’ll hear from Kevin Robson, the chief mission officer of the Synod. You’ll also read about how the Synod directs its work nationally and internationally. You’ll read about how the LCMS is caring for chaplains and preparing pastors for their work, and much more.
In the end, this issue is an opportunity to hear from those who serve you in the International Center about how we are completing the work you have given us to do and how we’re helping you proclaim Christ and Him crucified in the United States and around the world. It’s an opportunity to learn about how we are walking together as Synod.
Walking with You,
Roy S. Askins
Executive Editor, The Lutheran Witness