The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline

The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord falls on Feb. 2.


Movie Review: ‘Luck’

The words of my seven-year-old daughter capture my overall impressions of “Luck”: “Daddy, it is a fun movie, but it doesn’t make sense.”

A Worthwhile Sex Education Resource for Christian Families

 Teaching Chastity for Life frankly and kindly models how to think about human sexuality in light of God’s Word …

Wittenberg Today: A Walking Tour of the Reformation Town

Visitors to Wittenberg in 2022 can take the same walk and experience how small the area is in which the events of the Reformation unfolded.

Kid Graduates High School; Spiritual/Existential Crisis Ensues

Teenagers today deal with problems the oldsters never had to think about. There are three major game changers: …

Robert Barnes: Even Death

Who gives much thought before answering, “I do, by the grace of God” to those questions during the Confirmation Rite?

The Passive Life: God’s gifts in a frantic world

Despite centuries of technological advancements that make their lives easier, many people still seem frantically busy.

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