The Latest Articles
The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline
The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord falls on Feb. 2.
Clinging to Christ in the Exciting College Years
The whole college experience is, for most, a span of just a handful of years. … Here is what is not a phase: Your Baptism into Christ.
God Declares His Pronouns: He/Him
The confession that God is Father and has eternally begotten His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, has been criticized …
My Top Ten Good Reads for the Summer
Here are 10 of the best, truest tales I have ever read, and it is my hope that, in reading them, you too will be encouraged.
Making the Most of Your Kids’ Summer Boredom
We can give our kids the gift of the right kind of boredom and provide them with a chance to think.
This Website Helps Lutherans Give Hospitality to Their Extended Christian Family
The home-sharing site LutheranBnB helps Christians meet and bless fellow Christians while they travel.
Only Jesus: A Sermon for 175th Anniversary of the LCMS
There is no other name, given among men, by which we must be saved. We are sinners redeemed, daily reminded …