The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

On Witchcraft: A Growing Spiritual Trend

Witchcraft and paganism have become some of the fastest-growing spiritual trends in Western culture today.


Luther’s Journey with Paul: For Further Reading

Books on Luther and Paul, or on the history of Pauline interpretation, are often quite technical (and often in German). However, here are a few possibilities for further reading that are relatively accessible and provide broader background for the topics touched on in my story that appears in this issue of The Lutheran Witness.

A ‘Pit Crew’ for Men’s Ministry

by Rev. Timothy C. Cartwright I am a great advocate of outreach and evangelism. As with my current congregation, Grace …

Our Seminaries: Responding to Needs, Addressing Costs

by Roland Lovstad It’s fair to say no two ministries–or congregations–in the LCMS are alike. They may be small churches …

Starting Anew with a Seminary Graduate

by Roland Lovstad Graduating seminarians anticipate seminary “Call Day” as a time to move from preparation to active ministry. At the …

Four Writers Reflect on Their Call to the Ministry

by James Heine Because we focus on pastoral recruitment, education, and support in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness, …

A District President Looks at Rural Challenges

by Roland Lovstad Regardless of whether rural or small-town communities are growing or declining in population, there is usually an …

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