The Latest Articles
The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective.
On Witchcraft: A Growing Spiritual Trend
Witchcraft and paganism have become some of the fastest-growing spiritual trends in Western culture today.
Luther’s Journey with Paul: For Further Reading
Books on Luther and Paul, or on the history of Pauline interpretation, are often quite technical (and often in German). However, here are a few possibilities for further reading that are relatively accessible and provide broader background for the topics touched on in my story that appears in this issue of The Lutheran Witness.
Four Writers Reflect on Their Call to the Ministry
by James Heine Because we focus on pastoral recruitment, education, and support in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness, …
A ‘Pit Crew’ for Men’s Ministry
by Rev. Timothy C. Cartwright I am a great advocate of outreach and evangelism. As with my current congregation, Grace …
Our Seminaries: Responding to Needs, Addressing Costs
by Roland Lovstad It’s fair to say no two ministries–or congregations–in the LCMS are alike. They may be small churches …
Starting Anew with a Seminary Graduate
by Roland Lovstad Graduating seminarians anticipate seminary “Call Day” as a time to move from preparation to active ministry. At the …
Saint Paul Institute for Education
by Roland Lovstad “We envisioned a training center that would partner with the Missouri District, a center that would touch …