Glorifying our Lord

I found the brief article “Building a Liturgical Church” (December 2011) very interesting. Mr. Melde is correct that it is near impossible to replicate the art and masonry of past eras. However, LCMS congregations might want to explore church antique dealers and other groups that rescue and restore organs, stained glass, altars, pulpits, fonts, and

Sanctified Parenting

by Jill Hasstedt I was impressed when I visited the home of another young mother. Though her children were just toddlers, she had placed simply printed labels on items all over her house. Every day, she was teaching them new vocabulary and letter recognition using engaging activities and alphabet-themed snacks. Her goals were for enrichment

To the Reader

It’s not difficult for us to think well of ourselves and what we’ve accomplished in this life. We’ve gone to the best schools, we tell our friends, the most well-known colleges, the most prestigious universities. Never mind that our friends, who went to different schools and colleges and universities, say the exact same thing. But

Teach Your Child to Think Like a Lutheran

by Dr. James M. Tallmon Roughly 20 years ago, a group of homeschoolers, inspired by British novelist Dorothy Sayers’ “The Lost Tools of Learning,” set out to apply the Sayers model to educating their children. A little more than a decade ago, a group of Missouri Synod educators, impressed by that movement but wanting to

Q and A

by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz  Q: Do the Lutheran churches have an opinion concerning the Masonic Lodge and other similar organizations? A: Lutheran churches in the United States in varying degrees and at various points in their history have taken positions opposing lodge membership (particularly the Masonic Lodge), although some have relaxed or even removed their

Learning Is the Bridge

How can we encourage religious literacy in our homes, schools and neighborhoods? Find out how to cultivate your curiosity about God and His work on your behalf. by Rev. Travis J. Scholl I am convinced by Stephen Prothero’s thesisstated most notably in his book Religious Literacy that we live in a society that is religiously illiterate

Special Occasions

by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar Many events in the worship life of every congregation happen on a regular basis. Each year, it can be expected that Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and the other major festivals will be celebrated as they occur on the annual Church Year calendar. The weeks from the First Sunday in Advent to

Shedding Some Light

404 ErrorAfter the Divine Service ended on New Year’s Day, I greeted the four-year-old great-granddaughter of a member of my congregation. “I have a purse,” she told me. I responded, “That’s wonderful. All I have is a wallet and a couple of pockets.” She then observed, “Yeah, but you’re wearing a dress!” Rev. Philip HouserPapillion,

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