In support of pastors

Dr. Joersz had an opportunity to offer support to a pastor who was just doing what the LSB Altar Book directed him to do. He was being faithful. Instead, the Q & A gave the members of his congregation support for criticizing their pastor. Thomas M. Winger, Acting President Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary St. Catharines,

Our Advent Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come

by Rev. Steven B. Borst Ilustration © Advent is possibly the most misunderstood season in the church year. Let’s face it: we tend to take our cues on how to prepare for Christmas more from Macy’s than from the manger. Could it be that the Church has largely forgotten the purpose of Advent? Most

The pastor as Christ’s representative

I thought Dr. Joersz gave a very helpful reply in a recent answer to the question of a pastor communing himself in a worship service. The practice is an adiaphoron, i.e., it’s neither forbidden nor commanded in Scripture. An example by itself does not establish doctrine or church practice, but still it bears some weight

From Augsburg to Webster

In your September issue, Dr. Joersz opines, “The practice of asking a lay assistant to commune the pastor during the Communion has become widespread and is considered the preferred option.”  Augsburg Confession, Art. XIV, rightly teaches “No one should . . . administer the Sacraments unless he be regularly called.”  Webster defines administer as “To

The Church’s future

This past July, I had the distinct pleasure and honor to help chaperone 39 young adults to our LCMS National Youth Gathering (NYG) in New Orleans. The theme was “We Believe,” yet if there is one thing I believe it is this: With the loving guidance of our Lord (Prov. 3:6), our Church’s future is

Serving the one who serves

The Q & A in September provides a good discussion starter on this historic, yet often misunderstood, practice. I partake of the Sacrament first, so that I, freshly strengthened by it, can thus offer it to the gentleman who assists me in the chancel. He and I both, in turn, again having been strengthened ourselves,

We believe

After reading the August issue, which was dedicated to the Synod’s convention, I was looking forward to seeing similar treatment for the National Youth Gathering in the September issue. Imagine my disappointment when I opened the magazine to see a two-page article instead. The article didn’t come close to capturing what the NYG is about.

Respecting the person and office

Your recent Q & A on “Who Communes the Pastor” gives with one hand yet takes back with the other.  The response rightly noted that Luther and those who came after him approved of the practice of the pastor’s “self-communion” in the Divine Service while at the same time condemned the “private mass.” However, the

Faith like a child

I really like Portals of Prayer. It comforts me when I’m sad or mad. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Morgan Irvine, age 9 Sheridan, Wyo. (Although this letter compliments Concordia Publishing House’s Portals of Prayer, The Lutheran Witness’s close partnership with CPH, as well as the age and sentiment of the writer, made printing

Handing on the Word of Truth

With so many Bible translations to pick from, it can be hard to know which one to choose. Which version best drives home what God means to say?

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