For the person in the pew

Congratulations on your February article, “Word of God, Speak!” It was written for us “pew-sitters.” Every trade and profession has its own unique expressions understood only by their own. Example: What does “The pump lost its prime,” mean? Is it proper grammar? Or, “The rose boxes in holds 2 and 4 were stopped up.” We

How Many Times Did Lazarus Die?

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz In John 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from death. Did Lazarus die a second time? Do the Scriptures answer this question? Only the Gospel of John gives us any information about Lazarus, including brief mention of him after Jesus raised him from death. In chapter 12, John tells us that after his

Gardening East of Eden

Doubts about our life or vocation do not negate the fact that God plants His people with purpose.

Taking Responsibility

by Theresa M. Shaltanis My daughter will graduate from high school in June. She’s a good kid, but doesn’t help much around the house. It seems I am either nagging her or picking up after her. She’ll go away to college next year, and I know I’ll miss her terribly. How do I balance the

Shedding Some Light

Not Really a Secret It was that time of the year, late April, and my Sunday school class of 15, including my own girls, Jeannie, 14, and Cindy, 8, were with me, walking along the side of a road and picking up a winter’s worth of litter. Our trash bags were almost full when Cindy

Recipients of God’s Miraculous Grace

by Rev. Donald Anthony The Resurrection by Gustave Doré Each Sunday, our church was providing bookmarkers with information about people from our history. On the opposite side of the marker was a brief excerpt from our church history. Our members looked forward to and enjoyed receiving the markers, which were being designed and donated by

Concerning grief

Thank you, Dolores Hatfield, for bringing some much needed practical attention to the subject of grief in your February letter to the editor. Everything stated in “Grief Doesn’t Run on Schedule” should be understood and brought to the attention of well-meaning friends and pastors. Until a person experiences a loss that changes your life forever,

Easter and the Promise of Life

How joyous it is to recall that above all else, Easter, the festival of our Lord’s resurrection, gives us the assurance of eternal life in Jesus Christ and the certainty of our own resurrection.

Breaking down stereotypes

As a missionary in Taiwan, I have always enjoyed reading The Lutheran Witness. After reading the articles, I feel connected with the Church around the world and refreshed in my personal faith. However, as I read the February issue, I noticed something. In all the pictures, whether articles or ads, there seems to be a

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