The Difference Easter Makes

by Dr. Carl Albert Gieseler Good Friday 1960 is the 95th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s death. Had he lived to finish his second term, the history of our country would no doubt have been far different. “With malice toward none, with charity for all,” the great war President would have carried out his plans to

We stand corrected

In February’s “Family Counselor,” Dr. William B. Knippa stated that “We affirm in the Apostles’ Creed our belief in ‘God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.’” His reference is from the Nicene Creed, not the Apostles’ Creed. Since so many people are only too willing to

Rural Ministry

I was very impressed and encouraged by your article “It’s Not All Downhill!” in the February Lutheran Witness. Small churches need the encouragement to know that there is an alternative to declining attendance and membership. Most rural churches, especially in Middle America, are small, and many are declining. In some cases, they may be the

School Days

I’d like to comment about the February issue of The Lutheran Witness and about rural ministries. I went to a one-room school with eight grades, and I’m probably telling my age, so I’ll tell you it was a small farming community at Lutherville, Ark. I’m not advocating going back to this type of education, but

Isaiah’s Easter Feast

In Isaiah, we find not only a warning of universal judgment but also a foretaste of Easter’s resurrection joy and a promise of the glorious eternal banquet that awaits in heaven.

To pay or not to pay

I appreciated the January article by Karen Kogler on the treatment of volunteers. However, I believe there are times when the church should be willing to pay for work that is done. Many decades ago, when I was a college music major, I was asked to direct the student choir at my church. It was

Opportunities next door

The mission articles in the October 2009 Lutheran Witness explain very nicely international outreach activities in Cambodia, Uganda, Korea, and Hong Kong. These are all worthwhile mission activities under LCMS World Mission and are worthy of support. However, one glaring piece missing in the “Mission Multiplication” article is the outreach/mission needs right at our back

Are There Different Versions of the Lord’s Prayer?

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz When my Roman Catholic friends pray the Lord’s Prayer, they do not use the concluding doxology (“For Thine is the Kingdom . . .”). Why do they omit it, while we Lutherans (and most Protestants) include the words? As we answer this question, some background information might be helpful: Old

How Much Control?

by Dr. Randy Schroeder My husband believes that a Christian parent should have absolute control over his or her children. He has rules for everything, and he expects our children always to be perfect. I’m afraid he is damaging them. The tension at home is high, and our children are starting to rebel. What help

Living the Great Commission

To help an urban congregation minister to its community, a district turns to one of the greatest strengths of our Synod——its system of Christian education.

Shedding Some Light

A Terrific Insight Amber, age 6, was sitting at the kitchen table, watching her mother rinse the dinner dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Noticing that Mom was sporting a few strands of white hair in addition to her familiar auburn color, she asked inquisitively, “Momma, why are those hairs white?” “Well, every time

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